
Geographic data of Batam

Batam lies between 0o.55' - 10.55' North Latitude and 103o.45' - 104o.10' East Longitude and borders on :
  • Singapore and Malaysia toward the Nort
  • Moro sub-district toward the South
  • Karimun sub-district and open sea toward the West
  • North and South Bintan sub-district toward the East

Same as for other island distric of Riau Island, Batam is fundamentally continental. The island spread out here are the remains from reductive erosion of the mainland since before the tertiary period, as are Singapore Island in the north, and Moro, Kundur and Karimun islands in the south.
Importantly, the surface of Batam is mostly flat land. While hilly areas are located here and there the maximum height above sea level is just 160 meters. There are small rivers flowing slowly which are most ofter surrounded by jungle.

The region of Batam City consist of 329 island both big and small. The island are generally erosional residues or protrusions of tertiary land spresding out from the Mallaca Peninsula in the north to Moro, Kundur and Karimun island in the south.

Batam City's land surface is generally quite level with a maximum altitude of 160 meter above sea level with small rivers thet have slow currents interspersed with forest and lush undergrowth.

Seen from the existing sea current circulations, yhe sea water surrounding Batam City, which is situated in the Strait of Mallaca, is abundant with se life. Batam City waters are strongly influenced by water currents from the Indian Ocean going throuh the Strait of Mallaca and current movements originating in the South China Sea.

Batam City's Climate is tropical with the minimum temperature of 20.4 degrees centrigade and the maximum temperature up to 33 degrees centrigade throughout the year, while air pressure ranges from a minimum of 1005.6 MBS to 1013.8 MBS.

Maximum wind speed during the rainy season averages 15 days per month with average rain fall per month of 154.4 mm. Humidity in Batam City area ranges from medium to high.


Where is Batam ?

The Batam island in the Riau Island Province of Indonesia , known for a free trade zone as a part of the Sijori Growth Triangle, is located 20 km (12.5 miles) off Singapore's south coast. The 415 km² (160 miles²) island has a population of 729.229 in November 2007, most of whom are Malays (85%) and Chinese (14%). A few indigenous Orang Laut tribes still live in the island. It is also a managed as a city (kota) in Riau Islands province.

In 1970s, the island underwent a major transformation from topologically forest area into a major harbor and industrial zone. The population drastically grew from a few thousand in the 1960s into the hundreds of thousands. Located in the direct proximity of Singapore and provided with cheaper labour forces, several Singaporean companies have established factories in Batam.

The official language on the island is Indonesian, but due to major Chinese population, Chinese dialects like Teochew and Mandarin are widely spoken, particularly in businesses. Apart from industrial zones, the islands have several resorts and tourist destinations.
